04/23/09 — Altec Systems, Inc. Announces Copper Theft Solution New Offering

MARIETTA, GA – April 27, 2009– Altec Systems, Inc., Commercial Atlanta Security Provider today announced it is offering the latest in client notification and video verification of site intrusion while the event is taking place.
More and more clients are feeling the effects of widespread theft of copper, scrap metal, pipes, as well as other damaging “property mining”. Altec Systems now answers this need by offering a wireless “Copper Theft Kit” solution called Videofied, a product from RSI Video Technologies of White Bear Lake, Minn. This portable “Copper Theft Kit” includes outdoor cameras, an indoor camera, and a keypad and control panel.
Standing a guard 24/7 to protect remote premises is no longer the only choice. Today, much more can be done. Property, premises, and materials are now protected with cameras that don’t need A/C power, and a system that transmits alarm signals via the cellular network. Notifications can be received by a computer or hand-held device. The Videofied solution can be installed in most exterior environments and is easily relocated as needs change.
By enabling their clients to know quickly whether it is the local cat crossing their property, or the not-so-friendly perpetrator looking to make a fast buck from expensive materials, Altec System’s new offering allows them a swift and appropriate response.
“Whether it’s unattended or abandoned buildings, vacant properties, salvage yards, farmers with copper and brass irrigation tubing, cell phone companies, power stations, or just about any other kind of remote access location or business, our clients are, unfortunately, potential targets for this rising theft today,” said Tim Feury, President, Altec Systems, Inc. This type of theft is costing more than $1 billion a year according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
Contractors report steady increases of equipment, tools, and materials disappearing from job sites, new buildings, and shipping areas. Additionally, the collateral damage done from “mining” the site can far exceed the actual cost of the materials stolen.
Clients are finding that some insurance companies are now mandating some type of security and video verification to help minimize liability. Many businesses also get charged hefty “false alarm” fees, for police notifications of non-verified events. With this solution, the event is verified before the police are contacted.
About Altec Systems, Inc.
Altec Systems was founded in 1994 with a vision to provide high quality, custom designed, integrated security systems to the Professional Business and Commercial Marketplace. With a focus on Total Customer Satisfaction, Altec Systems specializes in furnishing, installing, maintaining and monitoring integrated security systems.